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Our Guarantee

The provider complies with applicable consumer protection legislation. The provider makes every effort to fulfill its duty to establish an effective complaint handling system and to designate a person with whom, in the event of problems, the customer can contact by telephone or e-mail. The complaint is submitted via the e-mail address info@zeneru.com. The appeal procedure is confidential.

The provider is aware that the characteristic of a consumer dispute, at least as far as judicial settlement is concerned, is its disproportion between the economic value of the claim and the costs incurred in resolving the dispute itself. This is also the main obstacle to the consumer not initiating a dispute in court. Therefore, the provider strives to the best of its ability to resolve any disputes amicably.


Material / Clerical Errors

The consumer may exercise his rights under the law on material defects if he notifies the seller of the defect within two months of the date on which the defect was discovered. The consumer must describe the defect in detail in the notification of the defect and give the seller the opportunity to inspect the item. The consumer may give notice of the defect to the seller in person, with a receipt from the seller, or by sending it to the shop where the goods were bought or to the seller’s agent with whom the consumer has concluded a contract.

For purchases/contracts, the consumer may first request that conformity be restored, i.e. either repaired or replaced by a new product – the choice is, except in certain cases, the consumer’s. Only if this is not possible, may the consumer ask for a refund of part or all of the purchase price.

The seller is not liable for material defects in the goods which become apparent after two years have elapsed since the goods were delivered. A defect in the goods shall be deemed to have existed at the time of delivery if it appears within six months of delivery. The consumer’s rights under the first paragraph shall be extinguished on the expiry of two years from the date on which the consumer informed the seller of the material defect.
